Ystad students best in the south
Ystad is the municipality in Skane where the highest number of high school students graduate with passing grades, according to new statistics from Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting (Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions).

“It’s very satisfying that the students are successful,” says Håkan Persson, developmental leader at Sydskånska Gymnasieförbundet, which is responsible for the high schools in Ystad, Tomelila and Sjöbo. Ystad tops Skåne and is second in all of Sweden. Persson explains: “We’ve worked a lot on mentoring, where the student's progress has been followed closely. We have also been able to offer a wide variety of programs, which means most of the students have had access to their first choice.” Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting has identified factors that are deemed important in getting the student to complete his or her education. Apart from being treated with kindness and establishing clear goals, there’s an emphasis on flexibility for the student, so that everyone gets into the program that’s right for him or her.
Julia Lindstam Andersson just graduated from Österportgymnasiet in Ystad, and the new statistics doesn’t surprise her: “We have many great schools. But much is really about having good teachers, finding a good studying technique and having supportive parents,” she says. Her own grades consist mostly of Väl Godkänd (Passed with Distinction) and Mycket Väl Godkänd (Passed with Special Distinction), though she had to work hard on getting a Godkänd (Passed) grade in German. “My parents played a huge part there, I wouldn’t have made it without them. They sat up with me late at night while I studied,” she says.